Acts 20:24

Friday, June 25, 2010

In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:33

Yesterday we talked about sacrifice. We talked about how we must truly give up everything we have in order to serve Christ. We must give each part of our life: Friendships, relationships, jobs, family, our mind, the things we watch, etc. Sometimes we have to sacrifice popularity and friendship in order to do the right thing because the right thing isn't always the popular thing. When you stand up for what you believe and do what is right, even if you lose a little popularity, people will sometimes gain more respect for you and possibly even long to have what you have. If we want to live a full and joyous life through Christ we must 1. do the right thing and 2. Love people. Many of us have all the resources we need, but we are unwilling to share it with others in need. We must sacrifice all of these things to serve the Lord. Tonight we have MEGA which is awesome. Tonight is our last night of worship so be praying for us and continue to pray that God will move in the students to show them is wonderful plan for their lives. Have a great day.!

God has prepared you for the work to which he has called you!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

May your life be marked by Christ!

We learned about Obedience yesterday! One thing about obedience that stuck out to a few students and I is that we are to live in the reality that we are the precious treasured child of the most high God. So many of us are living in the way of the world instead of living in the reality of who they are. Until we obey God and live in the reality of who we are then we will live in hurt, pain, and find ourselves in terrible situations. We have to let go of what the world and satan say about us and LET GOD DEFINE US!! The kids are truly having a blast. Yeah we have had some ups and downs, but that always happens. Tonight after worship and church group devotion we have a talent show for night life. From what some of our girls say, they are planning on singing JUSTIN BEIBER at the talent show. That should be interesting haha! Keep us in your prayers. There are so many great kids here and they all have a strong love for the Lord and a desire to know him better, but one prayer request is that God will just pull back their layers and masks that they have built up and just let him truly move in them. Have a great day!! "Prayer gives you an opportunity to be involved in eternally significant work!! -Unknown

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last night worship and church group devotion were awesome! We had a visit from Bro. Bill.! He came to pray for us. We talked about Love yesterday. We looked at the compassion and love of Jesus Christ. Our bible study was the story of Jonah. Jonah didn't want to show the love of Christ to the people that truly needed to see it. When Jonah told the fisherman to throw him off the boat to stop the storm they questioned him and told him no at first. They showed more compassion and love for Jonah than he was willing to show and they didn't even know God. We were sent to be servants of Christ and to show others his love. We also tried to show the students that love isn't just a feelin. It is more a decision, a choice, or an action. If we truly love others then we will be willing to serve them. Today we are talking about Obedience. I would tell you more about that, but that will have to wait until later because Leah and I missed bible study so that we could get pictures of the kids at recreation. They looked like they were having a blast. Except for the sweating part! ha. Before I finish, I want to share a quick personal story. Yesterday Leah and I made a decision to go a day without complaining. Boy is that harder than I thought it would be. We started at 6 this morning. When I got up and did my devotional, of course it was about being content and not complaining.!! God is so awesome and he wants us to do everything without complaining. He wants us to trust him and love him. Phillipians 4:12-13 says "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet little Leigh Anna was already worn out!

precious Mandi was obviously tired too!

The lovely bus ride!